Article 38 Owners 'equity refers to the ownership of the investors with respect to the net assets of an enterprise, including capital invested in by investors, capital reserve, surplus reserve, and undistributed profit, etc. 第三十八条所有者权益是企业投资人对企业净资产的所有权,包括企业投资人对企业的投入资本以及形成的资本公积金、盈余公积金和未分配利润等。
The gap is even wider in the tech industry. Total venture capital invested in the US tech industry reached$ 8.67 billion last year compared with just$ 1.44 billion in Europe. 而在科技界,这一差距甚至更大。去年,美国科技公司获得的风投资金为86.7亿美元,而欧盟的同类公司仅有14.4亿美元。
Profits earned by partnerships compensate the owners for ( 1) personal services rendered to the business,( 2) capital invested in the business, and ( 3) assuming the "risks of ownership". 合伙企业获得的净收益应补偿业主的:(1)为企业提供的个人服务(2)为企业投入的资本(3)假设的“所有权风险”。
The problem is that the attractiveness of a project depends not just on its rate of return, but on the amount of capital invested in it. 问题在于,一个项目的吸引力不仅取决于回报率,还要看投入的资本总额。
Weak domestic economic growth, a lack of venture capital invested in companies before they list and high volatility in the small-cap markets have all contributed to the slump in Japanese IPOs. 国内经济增长疲软,公司上市前缺乏风险资本投资,小盘股市场波动性高等,都是日本IPO活动低迷的原因所在。
China was catching up rapidly by the end of that period, with a total of$ 41bn in private capital invested. 中国在迅速追赶。到2008年底,共投入私人资本410亿美元。
In the simplest case, capital invested by stockholders is recorded in the corporation's accounting records by a credit to an account entitled Capital Stock. 在最简单的情况下,股东投入的资本通过贷记一个股本账户记入公司的会计账簿中。
How is the capital invested? 资本如何投资的?
To familiarize ourselves with the conception, let us consider what is done with the capital invested in any of the branches of business which compose the productive industry of a country. 为了熟悉这一概念,让我们看一下投入一国各生产性行业的资本究竟用在了哪些方面。
Foreign capital invested construction enterprise, as other foreign capital invested enterprises, should be established in accordance with Chinese laws, regulations and rules. 外商投资建筑业企业同其他的外商投资企业一样,其设立必须按照中国法律、规、章的规定。
A company may invest in other limited liability companies or companies limited by shares and be liable to the companies which it has invested in to the extent of the amount of capital invested in such companies. 公司可以向其他有限责任公司、股份有限公司投资,并以该出资额为限对所投资公司承担责任。
These products are highly risky and the investor may incur substantial loss of up to100% of the capital invested. 这些产品牵涉高风险、投资者可能会导致投资资本的全数亏损。
If a project is in prophase development stage, the capital invested in is mainly used for production and market development of an enterprise. 项目处于发展前期阶段,资金主要用于企业生产与市场拓展。
As far as the financing work of national Highway's Construction nowadays is concerned, after our analysis and research about it, we conclude that the financing system today can't meet the increasing need of the vast amount of capital invested on the Highway. 针对国内公路建设融资工作的现状,对公路建设各种融资方式及现状进行分析与研究,认为我国目前的融资体制不能满足日益增长的公路建设对巨额资金的需求。
Many institutions have the cases in which no economy capital invested to outside has been changed into economy property with consecutively development of industries meteorological departments set up. 随着气象部门兴办产业的不断发展,好多单位存在有用非经营性资产对外投资转化为经营性资产的情况,对此类资产进行核算就需用对外投资这一科目。
In the past three years, China has witnessed a repaid expansion of its funds, with the amount of capital invested in the funds exceeding the total amount of many years before. 近三年,我国基金业得到了一个飞快的发展,基金筹资金额超过了以前多年的总和。
By analysing the economic significance of capital invested, The auther establishes a multiple object programming modelling of portfolio investment. 本文通过对投资资产的经济意义分析,建立了组合投资的多目标规划模型,引入单位风险收益率求解此模型。
Human capital operation system takes "the manpower" as an especially intelligent capital invested into economic activity, and carries on systematic administration of the marketability investment and allocation according to its characteristic. 井下作业公司人力资本运作就是把人力作为一种特殊的资本投入经济活动之中,并根据其特性进行市场化投资、调配等系统管理的企业人力资本运行体系。
We will analyze the SWOT of the private capital invested in tourism, and give some strategies. 因此,笔者以浙江湖州地区为例,探讨民营资本投资旅游的优势与机遇、劣势与挑战,并提出相应对策。
For the venture capital invested in the high-tech firm, the most efficient exit pattern is the IPO exit, the acquisition one is secondary; 对于投资于高新技术企业的风险资本而言,高效的风险资本退出方式是IPO退出方式,其次是收购退出方式;
Therefore, the evaluation research of investment environment is the base of investment environment researches for those representing capital invested and the optimize research of investment environment is their main goal. 因而从受资方角度研究投资环境的基础是投资环境评价,目的是投资环境优化。
The venture capital withdrawal system states that the venture capital institute turns the venture capital invested to the venture firm after which grows relatively mature from the share ownership form into the capital form. 风险投资的退出机制,是指风险投资机构在其所投资的风险企业发展到相对成熟之后,将所投资的风险资本由股权形态转化为资本形态即变现的机制及其相关的配套制度安排。
In China, the economic developing mode of high growth, high investment, high financing, has decided that the own capital invested by enterprises would be seriously insufficient. During the uncertain economic times, it may be more insufficient. 国内现行的高增长、高融资、高投资的经济发展模式,决定了企业投入自有资本金必然严重不足,在经济不稳定时期更加严重。
By studying the static equilibrium with corruption in local government, we show that the capital invested in corruption will be influenced by the punishment rate local government imposes on "bad" technology. 在静态均衡中考虑了地方政府存在腐败的因素,表明投入腐败的资本受到地方政府对坏的生产方式处罚轻重的影响。
Then, point out that the sustainable development of ethnic tourism villages depends on the sustainable development of tourism resources, the capital invested and communities it involves. 然后指出民族旅游村寨的可持续发展依赖于旅游资源、投资资本及社区的可持续发展。
Structured financial products are combinated by fixed income and derivatives, investment has provided a guarantee for the capital invested in the fixed part of the funds in securities; the other hand, part of the highly leveraged derivatives may earn high income. 结构性理财产品是固定收益与衍生品的结合,投资于固定证券部分的资金为投资本金提供了保障;另一方面,衍生品部分的高杠杆性又使赚得高收益成为可能。